اسم الشركة Smart living Curtains LCC
رابط الشركة موقع الشركة
وصف الشركة Smart Living Curtains, a subsidiary of Smart Living Technology LLC, was established in the UAE over a decade ago. With a passion for enhancing comfort, luxury, and security in daily living, Smart Living Group is a prominent player in various segments, including smart home solutions, curtains, blinds, flooring, and IT products. The company excels in providing a wide range of services, from smart lighting and HVAC control to access control systems, music and home theater, and CCTV surveillance solutions. Adapting to innovation and client needs, Smart Living Technology integrates solutions from different vendors to ensure reliable and high-quality services. The company is committed to exceeding the expectations of its client base, providing smart, integrated solutions across homes, hotels, offices, hospitals, and educational institutions.
عنوان الشركة Office #3 RKM Al- Awir Building Industrial Area-1 Ras-Al-Khor Dubai UAE
الدولة شركات الإمارات
القسم شركات الستائر
الزيارات: 1877
التقييم: 5
المقيّمين: 5
تاريخ الإضافة: 22/12/2023
الموقع في جوجل: الصفحات - مرتبط بالموقع
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